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Holy Spirit, all my fountains are in You
Jesus' Spirit, a true friend I've found in You
Spring of love, joy and peace
You breathe Your life in me
Patiently, You will always wait for me
You're so kind, so good and faithful too
Bit and bridle in my flesh
Gently, lead me to You
My best friend, Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit, my best friend
My best friend, Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit, my best friend
Roh Kudus, mata air hatiku
Roh Yesus, sahabat sejatiku
Sumber kasih, sukacita
Damai sejahtera
Panjang sabar dan lemah lembut
Murah hati, baik dan setia
Kekang suci di dagingku
Terus pimpin aku
Holy Spirit, all my fountains are in You
Jesus' Spirit, a true friend I've found in You
Spring of love, joy and peace
You breathe Your life in me
Patiently, You will always wait for me
You're so kind, so good and faithful too
Bit and bridle in my flesh
Gently, lead me to You
My best friend, Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit, my best friend
My best friend, Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit, my best friend
Roh Kudus, mata air hatiku
Roh Yesus, sahabat sejatiku
Sumber kasih, sukacita
Damai sejahtera
Panjang sabar dan lemah lembut
Murah hati, baik dan setia
Kekang suci di dagingku
Terus pimpin aku